Panasonic Shipping AJ-PX380 AVC-ULTRA Shouldermount |
The new shoulder-mount camcorder is available in two versions: the AJ-PX380GF including camera body plus AG-CVF15 Color Viewfinder and XT17x4.5 BRM 17X Fujinon lens for a suggested list price of $11,995; and the AJ-PX380G-camera-body only-for a suggested list price of $8,395 |
TourGigs Switches Switchfoot Bro-Am Fundraiser Stream with Blackmagic ATEMs |
TourGigs worked with broadcast journalism students from nearby Carlsbad High School to run the production of the event, which drew a crowd of 20,000 attendees and was streamed to 75,000 more viewers |
HP Updates Entry-Level Z Series Workstations |
As HP's most affordable workstation, the Z240 is ideal for customers in the video editing, MCAD/AEC, education, public sector and image viewing industries |